Sander Cleuren is one of the organisers of a special brass band concert that will take place on the 20th October in Leuven, in aid of the Demoucelle Parkinson Charity and Parkinson’s research.

Together with his sister Jana, Sander produces apple sparkling wine — ‘Cleuren Cuvees’ — in the Belgian province of Limburg. He is also the enthusiastic chairman of the brass band ‘De Werkmanszonen’ (‘The Workers’ Sons’) from Zichen-Zussen-Bolder.

Radboud, one of our volunteers, spoke to him about the brass band concert.

Sander proudly explained that the planned charity concert is part of the Fanfarissimo project, which since 2018 has brought together 10 top Belgian brass bands to commission new pieces of music. What once started as a way of supporting each other has now grown into a close collaboration in which close ties have been forged across the different regions of the country.

Sander Cleuren brass band Parkinsons researchAccording to Sander, it is the shared passion for brass band music that unites the participating orchestras. And he confirmed that ‘De Werkmanszonen’, together with the brass band ‘Brass-aux-Saxes’ from Westerlo, are greatly looking forward to sharing this passion with a larger audience on Sunday afternoon 20 October in the Pieter De Somer auditorium at Charles Deberiotstraat 24 in Leuven.

Besides fanfare, Parkinson’s disease will be a second major theme that afternoon. The audience will be informed about Parkinson’s disease and both brass bands have decided to donate the proceeds of their concert to Parkinson’s research. Sander explained that this is particularly thanks to Veronique Daniëls, who is closely involved with both ‘De Werkmanszonen’ and the Neurobiology and Gene Therapy Research Group at KU Leuven.

Many thanks to Sander, Veronique and of course both brass bands for this great initiative!


Fanfarissimo for Parkinson’s disease

  • Date: 20 October 2024
  • Description: Brass bands ‘De Werkmanszonen’ and ‘Brass-aux-Saxes’ will perform a variety of works, including two original Fanfarissimo compositions as well as Selections from ‘Wicked’.
  • Location: Pieter De Somer auditorium at Charles Deberiotstraat 24 in Leuven.
  • Timings: 14h30 doors open, concert begins at 14h45.
  • Drinks available: during the intermission and at the end of the concert at 17h
  • Tickets: 15 euros

Brass band concert in support of Parkinsons research