Doctors need humility & understanding of patient psychology says Parkinson’s Disease specialist Pr. Maertens

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Head of Neurology at Liege university hospital Professor Maertens discusses his experiences of caring for Parkinson’s Disease patients; his hopes for earlier detection of, and protection against, the condition; and the need for more funding for research, as well as to better support patients, their families and caregivers.

#20for2 #beatparkinson in support of sport and research

The Demoucelle Parkinson Charity launches the #20for2 #beatparkinson challenge to bring the positive energy of the 20kms of Brussels (postponed this year because of the coronavirus) to everyone and raise awareness about Parkinson’s disease. Everyone can participate!

Through the eyes of a patient: trying to bypass the symptoms!

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This World Parkinson’s Disease Week, Veerle will be providing regular blogs about her experiences as a Parkinson’s patient. Diagnosed 11 years ago, Veerle will describe some of the daily challenges of life with the disease. Since no two Parkinson’s patients are the same, Veerle speaks only for herself, however many of the issues she describes … Continued

Through the eyes of a patient: Carpe diem and make memories now!

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This World Parkinson’s Disease Week, Veerle will be providing regular blogs about her experiences as a Parkinson’s patient. Diagnosed 11 years ago, Veerle will describe some of the daily challenges of life with the disease. Since no two Parkinson’s patients are the same, Veerle speaks only for herself, however many of the issues she describes … Continued