Alexander Meulemans

Portrait of Alexander Meulemans, founder of the ‘Music for Parkinson’ initiative

On March 23, Alexander Meulemans organized a wonderful benefit concert in favor of the Demoucelle Parkinson Charity: Music for Parkinson. He raised no less than € 5000! The Kosmo Quartett played with Sarah Bayens, Magdelaine Demoucelle played the piano and Alexander on the viola was accompanied by Lucas Verleyen on his piano. Who is Alexander and why did he take this super initiative? Read it here.

Chocolates for Parkinson

Embarquez dans un voyage de saveurs exceptionnelles pour aider la lutte contre la maladie de Parkinson. Newtree et la Demoucelle Parkinson Charity vous invitent à découvrir des goûts uniques mettant en avant des ingrédients respectueux de vos papilles, de votre santé et de votre environnement.