You are looking for a new job? You have this opportunity to move to another division or country inside your company but hesitate? You consider launching your own business? Or you simply want to make sure your current job is the right one for you?

The answer is simple: passion and talent – or pass.

Some pieces of advice should be kept simple. Choosing a job, a first one, a new one, or another one, is already tough enough in terms of torturing the brains. So when we are asked “what do you think, should I take it or not?”, we prefer not adding complexity to hesitation, but give this simple advice: “You should select your job based on only 2 criteria: passion and talent”.

Passion means simply how much excitement the perspective of working on…, at…, with…, and where… brings you. And it is so easy to detect! Many of our coachees tell us they have 3 options, describe these, and there is always a special sparkle in their eyes when they talk about the one they are most passionate about. And if the passion isn’t there, think about what changes and twists you could operate to turn it exciting.

Talent means simply that you’d better have the skillset required for the job you envision. You dream of launching your internet startup, but you have zero experience with startups and are lost in the www.jargon? Then either you pass or you get yourself schooled and skilled amap and asap! Talent is something we should all build up continuously.

Do not engage into activities if these do not excite you and if you do not have the (minimal) skills required. If you lack passion for your job, you’ll end up depressed. If you lack talent, you’ll end up hitting a wall. And if you lack both passion and talent, you’ll hit a wall depressed!

Now go and try it out on your current job – or on this dream opportunity: Does it excite you? Do you have the skills to do it? Then don’t hesitate and take the right action!

If you would like to know more about this topic, shape your destiny during our boost seminars, coaching programs and development trainings, contact us!