Roles & responsibilities of the DPC Board

The Board acts as ‘co-creation think-tank’ with the aim of enabling the Demoucelle Parkinson Charity to be highly effective and maximise its impact.

  • They are kept informed on the activities, plans, projects and funds of the DPC.

  • They provide advice on the charity’s four major activities:
    1. Fundraising
    2. Awareness-raising
    3. Consulting to Parkinson’s organizations
    4. Oversight of DPC-funded Parkinson’s disease research projects

  • They make decisions on the following matters: 
    1. Selection of Parkinson’s disease research projects for funding;
    2. Attribution of prizes/awards in the field of Parkinson’s research;
    3. Approval of new members of the Board.

Composition of the Board

Demoucelle Parkinson Charity Board Member
M. Michel Allé

Independent Board Director in various companies, Professor at Solvay Brussels School

Demoucelle Parkinson Charity Board Member
M. Nicolas Bloch

Partner at Bain & Company, co-leader of Bain's global strategy practice

Demoucelle Parkinson Charity Board Member
M. Bruno Colmant

Partner at Roland Berger, Member of the Belgian Royal Academy, University Professor, President of Belgian Finance Center. 

Demoucelle Parkinson Charity Board Member
M. Gerard Damski

Regional General Manager - Executive Committee Member at Belron

Demoucelle Parkinson Charity Board Member
M. Jean-Pierre Filippini

Managing Director at Carglass Germany

Isabelle Langlois Demoucelle Parkinson Charity Board Member
Ms. Isabelle Langlois-Loris

Partner at Egon Zehnder

M. Ian Reynolds, PhD

President YaghPenn Consulting, member of the scientific advisory boards of Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s and SPARK NS. 

Demoucelle Parkinson Charity Board Member
M. Eric Rozenberg

Founder of Event Business Formula, author, and podcaster

M. Wim Vandenberghe, prof. dr.

Clinician-scientist UZ Leuven/ KU Leuven specialised in neurodegenerative movement disorders in particular Parkinson’s disease.


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