Will you join #teambeatparkinson? Sunday 25th May 2025
Let's take on the challenge of the Brussels 20k together!

Set yourself an ambitious yet achievable goal, join our amazing group of runners and walkers,
benefit from our great starting-line facilities and participate in the Brussels 20k on Sunday, 25th May 2025
in support of finding a cure for Parkinson’s disease. Everyone is welcome!


As part of the ‘Run, or Walk, for Parkinson’ team – which is one of the biggest groups at the event and in past years has numbered as many as 400 runners – you’ll help to support vital medical research with your fundraising efforts and we’ll help you to achieve your own personal goal.

In addition to our fabulous ‘Run, or Walk, for Parkinson’ t-shirt, you’ll benefit from:

  • training tips from our running coach;
  • a convenient place next to the start line to safely leave your belongings;
  • a guided pre-run warm-up routine;
  • the support and encouragement of your teammates and our volunteers;
  • healthy snacks and drinks before and after the run;
  • an even greater sense of accomplishment and pride.

How to be part of #teambeatparkinson

You are a COMPANY

  • Get high visibility by sponsoring the event (logo on website, t-shirts, flags, …)
  • Promote a positive corporate spirit by encouraging employees to enrol as a team.
  • ‘Walk (or run) the talk’ on corporate responsibility
  • Make a real difference in the lives of patients and their families

You are an individual RUNNER

  • Feel part of a team as one of 200+ runners of the Demoucelle Parkinson Charity
  • Push your personal limits
  • Raise funds to find a cure for Parkinson’s Disease
  • Make your Brussels 20k experience even more memorable

    Registration is closed. Please join us next year! 

SUPPORT US without running

Testimonials from former participants

“Once again I have heard many positive comments about the great organisation!
Great that we could run with you again.”
– a corporate sponsor

“Thank you again for this magnificent event.”
– an individual runner

“I wanted to thank you for the great organisation.”
– an individual runner

“I have only heard positive feedback from the participants.
Everyone was super helpful and friendly, so thank you! 😊”
– a corporate sponsor

“Everything was perfect! Thank you!”
– an individual runner

The sponsors If your company would like to sponsor 'Run, or Walk, for Parkinson', please contact info@demoucelle.com. Thank you.

Projects supported

By participating in ‘Run, or Walk, for Parkinson’ this year, you will be supporting four advanced European projects focused on finding a cure for Parkinson’s. 

So far, the Demoucelle Parkinson Charity has provided funding to 18 projects.
Click here to learn more



The first ‘Run for Parkinson’ was in 2015. Patrick Demoucelle had been living with Parkinson’s disease for 10 years by then and decided to challenge himself and improve his overall health by running the Brussels 20k and thereby raise funds to support finding a cure for Parkinson’s disease.

Some 240 people ran with him that year, and he inspired many organizations and companies to sponsor and support the cause.  

Since then, a ‘Run for Parkinson’ team has taken part every year (except 2020), with other Parkinson’s patients joining Patrick and bringing along their family, friends and colleagues. A walking option was recently added and handisport participants are warmly welcomed to also participate.



Parkinson’s disease is often called a ‘movement disorder’ as the loss of dopamine-making cells in patient’s brains can cause tremors, slowness, stiffness, and walking and balance problems and yet, counter-intuitively, research has shown that staying active can help slow the progression of the disease and control the symptoms.

With treatments that become increasingly ineffective over time and no cure available, patients find that running, walking, dancing, golf, boxing, tai-chi and other sports are more than a lifestyle choice. They are vital to their wellbeing.

At the Demoucelle Parkinson Charity we raise awareness and funds to accelerate research to find a cure for this neurodegenerative condition and we encourage everyone to be active advocates and fundraisers.