Whatever our level of seniority, whatever our level of achievement – there are moments where we feel stressed about an upcoming meeting. It might be a pitch we’re giving to get funding for a very exciting (and costly) project. Or a presentation we’re about to deliver to a group of world renown experts. Perhaps we just noticed our presentation is not yet fully bullet-proof. Or we saw ‘an enemy’ in the room. Whatever the circumstance, stress just happens. But it is not helpful. Here are five tips to reduce stress before an important meeting. Leading to more impact and more charisma.

1. See the meeting as a success anyway
Rather than thinking in terms of ‘what if it is not good enough’ – give yourself a more positive mindset by reflecting about ‘what’s already great’. What a success already that you had the chance to attend this meeting! Or what about all the progress you made preparing for this presentation. Whatever happens, these positives cannot be taken away from you.
2. Resolve to see ‘failure’ as a lesson in humility
If you are so excited about this meeting, probably there is some ‘ego’ at stake. Why not remind yourself of the power of humility? And the benefits of sometimes be put with your two feet on the ground again? For us, this is a very ‘sobering’ and ‘stress reducing’ thought.
3. Decide to truly enjoy the moment
While you may not be able to fully control the outcome of the meeting, you are in control of how you approach the meeting. You are the one who chooses to have fun or not. You decide whether you enjoy it or not. You select whether to marvel or doubt.
4. Connect with the people in the room
Remember that those very impressive people in the room are humans like you and me. Avoid seeing them as ‘opponents’ or as ‘different from you’. Instead, relate to them. Reflect on what you have in common. Talk to them. Connect with them. And make it about them. Not about you.
5. Reconnect to your passion for the subject
Let the focus go where it belongs: the content. Whether it is the subject you are presenting. Or the subject others are talking about. Get energized by the content, rather than by the fear of how others might react. Passion is contagious. Share your passion rather than your fear.
Apply these 5 tips to reduce stress before an important meeting, and you will notice your stress level go down, and your charisma increase!
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